soulROCKS is a collective of music lovers, fashionistas and musicians who share and express their passion for music love via mix tapes, blogs, events and any other existing creative outlet they can get their minds on.
Jimmy, Robin Thicke & The Roots play “Blurred Lines” on classroom instruments in the Late Night “Music Room.” (instrument list below) Jimmy Fallon – wood block, Casio keyboardRobin Thicke – spoonsQuestlove – wooden clackerMark Kelley – kazooKamal Gray – xylophoneJames Poyser – melodicaCaptain Kirk – ukuleleTuba Gooding Jr. – recorder, banana shakerFrank Knuckles – cowbellBlack …read more on “Audio: Jimmy Fallon, Robin Thicke & The Roots Sing “Blurred Lines””